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Traditional Dutch Fish Sticks


  • Vegan Fisherman Fish Sticks
  • Peas
  • Carrots
  • Lemon
  • Sauce of your choice (for dipping, optional)
  • French fries, potatoes, or other side dish (optional)


  • Frituur (aangeraden):
    Het beste resultaat krijg je door 2-4 minuten te bakken in plantaardig frituurvet op 180 °C.
  • In de oven:
    13-15 minuten bakken op 220 °C (heteluchtoven: 200 ∞C). Bij voorkeur met 10% stoom.
  • In de Airfryer:
    15 minuten bakken op 180 °C. Vergeet ze niet regelmatig te keren.
  • In de pan:
    Rondom bruin bakken in 6-8 minuten in een bakpan met ruim voldoende olie of plantaardige boter/ margarine. 

Traditional Dutch Fish Sticks

Never change a winning team: peas, carrots, and fish sticks belong together like fish, water, and algae. Sadly, though, these days, them poor fishies are drawing the short end when they are fished from their habitat. But not in this adapted version of the simple, quick, and oh-so-traditionally delicious recipe.

The Vegan Fisherman Fish Sticks are just as crispy and golden brown as the ones ‘from the old days.’ Just much more heart-warming, since “no fish got hurt in this process.” Fry or bake them in a pan or oven for a healthier version with lower fat content. Let the little ones swim freely in a pond of warm peas and carrots, under a drizzle of lemon juice.

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