The best of fish, yet better!
Vegan Fisherman’s plant-based fish substitutes give you that unique and fishy flavour and structure, including the nutritional values we need so badly. With Vegan Fisherman’s fishies you opt for loving fish on the menu of your restaurant. Zero microplastics and zero nightmares. The result? A sustainable, plant-based, and fish-friendly alternative: your 100% non-guilty pleasure.
Enjoy serving and eating fish with a clean consciousness and a happy, healthy heart!
Vegan Fisherman fish substitutes in bullet points:
100% animal-free
Sustainable and environmentally friendly
Including important omega 3, 6, and 9
Cleaner and healthier than animal-based fish
Free of chemicals and GMO
No animal got hurt in the process!

With our magical grain of rice, completely free of GMO’s, our vegan fishermen have transformed yet another Dutch snack favourite: sizzling hot and straight from the oily bubble bath, ‘kibbeling’ (a typical Dutch delicacy) is back on the menu for vegan foodies!
Help us to make the world a fish-friendlier place
Haven’t found the Vegan Fisherman fish substitutes on the menu of your local restaurant or bar? Please tell them the news, so you can soon eat guilt-free fish in your favorite hangout! Alternatively, feel free to tell us about the eatery that needs Vegan Fisherman: we will make sure to get in touch with them soon.